Sunday, March 8, 2015

Why Did the United States Invade Cuba?

Why Did the US Invade Cuba?
On February 15, 1898 the USS Maine mysteriously exploded in Cuba's Havana harbor, which subsequently the United States blamed the Spaniards for the.  Sparking President McKinley, he declared war against the Spaniards later that April.  The United States did not just fight the war on Cuban soil, it was also fought in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.  The United States invaded Cuba so that they would gain independence, therefore, they would be less inclined to cause destruction in any way to the United States.

Although, there was a silver lining to the invasion, which was the Teller Amendment, it meant the United States would also benefit from their natural resources and gain money from winning the war.  The Teller Amendment stated that the United States "hereby disclaims any disposition of intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over said island except for pacification thereof, and asserts its determination, when that is accomplished, to leave the government and control of the island to its people."  The Teller Amendment was overrode in February of 1901 by the Platt Amendment.  The Platt Amendment allowed the United States to "the right to intervene for the preservation of Cuban independence, the maintenance of a government adequate for the protection of life, property, and individual liberty..."  To this day, there is still uncertainty and no definite answer of the cause for the United States to invade Cuba.

The reason for the invasion seems to be because of what happened with the USS Maine but in reality it was all propaganda.  Propaganda is biased information designed to shape public opinion and behavior.  Propaganda was used in the newspapers to make it seem like the reason for the invasion was to win independence for Cuba and create an ally, but in reality it was for economical and political gain.  The United States would benefit majorly from Cuba's natural resources like sugar, fruits, and tobacco which were exported all over the world and it would do wonders for our economy as all those products were very valuable at the time.  Another tactic used by the newspapers was called yellow journalism.  Yellow journals such as the New York Journal and the New York World thrived solely on yellow articles.  According to PBS, the articles were "designed to tug at the heartstrings of Americans".  The articles would describe "the situation in Cuba--female prisoners, executions, valiant rebels fighting, and starving women and children" in the "re-concentration camps".  By far the biggest piece of yellow journalism was the explosion of the USS Maine because all the writer's pointed fingers at the Spaniards.

There were many movements towards independence that had been brewing from the Cubans for quite a while before the explosion of the USS Maine.  By wining the Cubans freedom, President McKinley and America could count on them as a close ally.  This ties in with the fact that President McKinley might have wanted to protect the United States from the rebels and the Spaniards so by invading Cuba, he was killing two birds with one stone.

By gaining an ally from Cuba and keeping the Spaniards away, President McKinley accomplished his goals of protecting the United States and making economical and political advances.  Although the cause of the invasion has been disputed for over a hundred years, the only reason to invade would be strictly for political and economic advantages.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Similarities and Differences of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois

The Similarities and Differences of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois

Immediately following the Civil War, African American's were faced with discrimination.  During this time two leaders emerged with two different philosophical ideals on how to improve the situation of discrimination among African Americans.  These two leaders were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois.  These men did not see eye to eye on everything, but they both wanted the same outcome, prosperity for African Americans. More on Washington and Du Bois

Booker T. Washington, who was born a slave in Virginia, felt like the best way to improve the standards among African Americans was to receive a formal education. Due to the social surroundings of his community, Washington walked 500 miles to the Hampton Institute to study industrialism. From his experience at Hampton, Washington became an educator and founded Tuskegee Normal and Agricultural Institute. Washington felt the best way to have a good future was to make African Americans indispensable to society, unlike Du Bois who believed that "the Talented Tenth" of the African American population, would use their educational skills to rise to the top and lead the other African Americans and help them secure equal rights and attain a higher social status. Du Bois wrote, "We want to be Americans, full-fledged Americans, with all the rights of American citizens." Du Bois was not quiet about expressing his distain of Washington's Tuskegee Institute saying that it was an attempt "to educate black boys and girls simply as servants and underlings." Washington vs Du Bois 

Born in Massachusetts, Du Bois grew up free and without knowledge of the harsh conditions of slavery in the south. Unlike Washington, Du Bois felt that having equality with white Americans was the most important aspect, not being indispensable as Washington thought. Du Bois thought the African Americans should educate themselves in liberal arts like the white Americans, but Washington thought industrial education was best.

With their institutions and programs, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois made it easier for African Americans to receive a good education so they can then get a job and make money and move up on the socio-economic ladder.  By doing all those things it shows white Americans that just because they do not look like us, that does not mean they can't do what we do, and that is a big part of finally accepting them and treating them as equals.  Of course, equality would not come instantly, African Americans would have to work for it, which is exactly what Washington says in this quote, "Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of handwork."  In my opinion, W.E.B. Du Bois made a bigger contribution than Booker T. Washington did when it came to the Civil Rights Movement.  Although Washington founded an institute, I think that his education philosophy is flawed in that no one wants to be indispensable, they want to be an equal to the other races and seen as a person, not an object.  W.E.B. thought that attaining equality was the most important aspect of ending discrimination which is exactly what I think about when the topic of discrimination comes up.  To end it, we first have to treat everyone equally and allow everyone the same rights no matter what skin color they are.  I think that Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois are the starters of getting African Americans where they are today and I also think that without them it would have taken longer for African Americans to take a stand against discrimination.

Although there are a lot of differences between Washington and Du Bois, there are some similarities.  Both of these great leaders opposed mobs and racially motivated violence.  Even though Washington favored industrial education over liberal arts, he did believe that liberal arts were beneficial.  While they did not see eye to eye on how to attain equality and what education to receive, both Du Bois and Washington wanted African Americans to be well educated and have equality among both races.  Ultimately, both Du Bois and Washington were key figures in the advancement of African Americans.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

John Brown: Murderer or Martyr?

John Brown: Murderer or Martyr?
John Brown was a white abolitionist from Torrington, Connecticut.  Brown was born into a very religious home in 1800.  His father, who was antislavery, molded his son's view on slavery.  Brown could be viewed as both a murderer or a martyr because there is compelling evidence for both.

It wasn't until 1855 that Brown become a significant player in the antislavery movement.  Brown followed five of his sons to Kansas where he became the leader of an antislavery guerrilla group.  He then fought a proslavery attack on Lawrence, Kansas, an antislavery town.  In 1856, Brown led another attack on a proslavery town and killed five of its settlers.

John Brown wanted to discreetly invade the South with his followers and establish a black free state as a sanctuary.  Brown believed that armed insurrection would be the only way to overthrow slavery in the United States.  So thinking that his beliefs would hold true, he planned to arm the slaves with weapons from which he and his followers seized from the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia.  Brown had 5 blacks and 16 whites to help him raid the federal arsenal.  Brown's plan did not work out because of local farmers, militiamen, and Marines who were led by Robert E. Lee.  Within a day and a half of the battle Brown's followers were either captured or killed.
During the raid Brown was severely wounded and captured.  Brown was taken to Charlestown, Virginia where he was put on trial.  After the seven day trial Brown was found guilty by jury on three counts; treason, murder, and conspiracy to lead a slave rebellion.  On December 2, 1859 hours before he was sentenced to hang he wrote this. 
"I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done."
Many thought John Brown's actions were inappropriate and unconstitutional but others thought of him as a hero who started the war that ended slavery.  Frederick Douglass said this about Brown, "If John Brown did not end the war that ended slavery, he did at least begin the war that ended slavery….  Until this blow was struck, the propect for freedom was dim, shadowy and uncertain.  The irrepressible conflict was one of words, votes and compromises.  When John Brown stretched forth his arm the sky was cleared.  The time for compromises was gone – the armed hosts of freedom stood face to face over the chasm of a broken Union – and the clash of arms was at hand.  The South staked all upon getting possession of the Federal Government, and failing to do that, drew the sword of rebellion and thus made her own, and not Brown's, the lost cause of the century."
This picture, called "The Last Moments of John Brown", portrays Brown as a martyr sacrificing himself for the slaves.

James Brewer Stewart, a historian, calls Brown a, "Christian sacrificial lamb on the alter of slavery."  As seen in this video...
Meanwhile others detested Brown and his doings.  In this painting called "The Tragic Prelude" Brown is depicted larger than life with a crazy look on his face.

In one hand he is holding a Bible and in the other he is holding a gun.  There are two /people, presumably one white and one a slave, cowering at his feet.  This painting is showing that Brown is crazy and that everyone is afraid of him.  This painting could be looked at as a form of patriotism.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Distant View of Niagra Falls

Distant View of Niagara Falls 


Thomas Cole was an artist and founder of the Hudson River School. Cole is best known for his paintings of the American landscape. One of his most famous paintings is called Distant View of Niagara Falls. This painting epitomized the American spirit and grandeur power of American landscape and its romanticism. Cole sketched many versions of Niagara Falls from different viewpoints at different times to observe the sky and other perspectives. He observed that, "the clouds in such a sky are very romantically shaped. They fly in strata one above another the underside of each cloud is darker and bolder than the upper... The clouds in the highest part are the warmest into their shades, but their lights perfectly white."

The painting is on display at The Art Institute of Chicago. I have been there a few times and have probably walked past the painting before, but it never caught my eye. Now the next time I go to the Institute, I will know all about the painting. If I were to see it before learning about transcendentalism I would not have given the painting much thought. But now I would be able to study the painting and see that the two Native Americans are very small in size compared to what is around them, meaning that humans are insignificant in the grand scheme of nature. I would also observe how the Native Americans are capturing the sight of Niagara Falls as most of the land in the north was turning into factories.    

Monday, November 3, 2014

Tecumseh was a Shawnee chief and the leader of a First Nations Confederacy group in the War of 1812.  His name, Tecumseh, meant shooting star, which is very fitting for him.  During his childhood, his tribe was demolished by wars.  Over the span of eight year his tribe was invaded.  Tecumseh believed that he was born to be a leader for his people.  Tecumseh was best known for gathering other Indian tribes and fighting against white men to try and stop them from stealing their land which led him to side with Great Britain during the War of 1812.  Without Tecumseh and his men, the British would not have been able to defend themselves in Upper Canada in the begining of the war.  It is thought that the Native Americans were being used as the Britain's pawn in the war because of how United States General Robert Hull had a nervous breakdown and surrendered in what is now present day Detriot.  The fact of the Native Americans being Britain's pawns is very untrue.  Tecumseh joined forces with the British to protect the native land and the interests of the Native American people, not to promote Great Britain's presence in North America during the war.

Here is a short video called, 'Tecumseh's Vision'.  This video is a part of an episode of the show called, 'We Shall Remain'.  The video shows background on Tecumseh and what he did during his lifetime as one of the greatest Native American leaders.  To watch the video you will have to scroll down to the bottom of the page.