The Similarities and Differences of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois
Immediately following the Civil War, African American's were faced with discrimination. During this time two leaders emerged with two different philosophical ideals on how to improve the situation of discrimination among African Americans. These two leaders were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. These men did not see eye to eye on everything, but they both wanted the same outcome, prosperity for African Americans. More on Washington and Du BoisBooker T. Washington, who was born a slave in Virginia, felt like the best way to improve the standards among African Americans was to receive a formal education. Due to the social surroundings of his community, Washington walked 500 miles to the Hampton Institute to study industrialism. From his experience at Hampton, Washington became an educator and founded Tuskegee Normal and Agricultural Institute. Washington felt the best way to have a good future was to make African Americans indispensable to society, unlike Du Bois who believed that "the Talented Tenth" of the African American population, would use their educational skills to rise to the top and lead the other African Americans and help them secure equal rights and attain a higher social status. Du Bois wrote, "We want to be Americans, full-fledged Americans, with all the rights of American citizens." Du Bois was not quiet about expressing his distain of Washington's Tuskegee Institute saying that it was an attempt "to educate black boys and girls simply as servants and underlings." Washington vs Du Bois
Born in Massachusetts, Du Bois grew up free and without knowledge of the harsh conditions of slavery in the south. Unlike Washington, Du Bois felt that having equality with white Americans was the most important aspect, not being indispensable as Washington thought. Du Bois thought the African Americans should educate themselves in liberal arts like the white Americans, but Washington thought industrial education was best.
With their institutions and programs, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois made it easier for African Americans to receive a good education so they can then get a job and make money and move up on the socio-economic ladder. By doing all those things it shows white Americans that just because they do not look like us, that does not mean they can't do what we do, and that is a big part of finally accepting them and treating them as equals. Of course, equality would not come instantly, African Americans would have to work for it, which is exactly what Washington says in this quote, "Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of handwork." In my opinion, W.E.B. Du Bois made a bigger contribution than Booker T. Washington did when it came to the Civil Rights Movement. Although Washington founded an institute, I think that his education philosophy is flawed in that no one wants to be indispensable, they want to be an equal to the other races and seen as a person, not an object. W.E.B. thought that attaining equality was the most important aspect of ending discrimination which is exactly what I think about when the topic of discrimination comes up. To end it, we first have to treat everyone equally and allow everyone the same rights no matter what skin color they are. I think that Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois are the starters of getting African Americans where they are today and I also think that without them it would have taken longer for African Americans to take a stand against discrimination.
Although there are a lot of differences between Washington and Du Bois, there are some similarities. Both of these great leaders opposed mobs and racially motivated violence. Even though Washington favored industrial education over liberal arts, he did believe that liberal arts were beneficial. While they did not see eye to eye on how to attain equality and what education to receive, both Du Bois and Washington wanted African Americans to be well educated and have equality among both races. Ultimately, both Du Bois and Washington were key figures in the advancement of African Americans.